Hawaii, Florida, Oklahoma, Arizona, Iowa, South Carolina and Georgia

We started this month in Maui. My good friend Ivan from XL-TV invited Liz and I over for a week long outreach/vacation that really turned into a call to missions in Africa. We did the outreach in a town that I cannot pronounce. The event was free and had a lot of performers with a feel of the traditional island culture. It was amazing with a lot of decisions for Jesus. As for Liz and I, we had an amazing time together that I will never forget.

The day after we returned from Maui, I had to fly across the U.S. to Tampa, FL. I was at a Calvary Chapel church alongside a few bands. I was the speaker for their regional conference. I also skated on stage doing a few tricks. The kids were stoked so that helped. Then I shared the message of Jesus and a lot of people raised their hands to make Jesus the Lord of their lives’s.

I came home for a few days, then flew out to speak and skateboard at a camp in Oklahoma. It was awesome! I even had few kids there that I had met in prior visits to Oklahoma. There were over a 1000 teens at the event.

The next trip was our last Asphalt Assault tour date in Pinetop, AZ. During my demo I was not feeling well and I could not breathe ( because of the High elevation) so my good friend Vic Murphy shared the message of Jesus and gave an invitation. Over 50 decisions were made that day. All for our Lord Jesus.

I went home for a few days then flew out to The Rise festival in Orange City, IA. Basically a typical festival set up. They had a few bands, speakers, performers etc. The cool thing is, this event is run by my good friend Rob Rossboom who has Muscular Dystrophy and uses that as his platform to share the hope in Jesus. He reminds me that no matter what life brings your way, God makes all things for good and His glory.

Me and Vic Murphy and his team of BMX riders were in an the action sports area where we both shared the good news of Jesus and young and old alike gave their lives to Jesus right there in a parking lot. This was an amazing event and God really used all of us once again.

I flew out the next day to Charleston, S.C. To an event in Beaufort at an Episcopal church. I skated and the spirit of God flowed through me even though I had know idea on what the lord wanted to say to these people. Then the hammer dropped and the fresh convicting loving Grace and truth message proceeded from my lips. It was a true call to follow Jesus and recognize sin.. Old and young alike came to Jesus that night in the beautiful church courtyard.

My last trip for the month was outside Atlanta GA at a camp. I got right off the plane with hardly any sleep and right on to the venue where I poured out my heart once again for brothers and sisters to commit their entire heart and being to Jesus.

What an amazing month! I have been challenged in so many ways. I am seeing many flaws in my own heart and parts of me that I have not fully let go to Jesus. I want to live for Jesus without compromise. Please pray for us..

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