2013’s Best Moment

This past year Liz and I were invited to Choloma, Honduras for an outreach/block party at a Christian School. The school was located in one of the roughest areas of the city. So much so that we were told to get on the main road by sundown, due to violence and kidnappings. Since the whole neighborhood was invited, it gave the ministry time a whole new feel. I could discern immediately that there was a real battle for souls and that the Gospel of Jesus needed to be clearly preached with grace and truth. So after I finished my skating demo my translator and I went to work in proclaiming the Gospel.

Now, I’m not some “hyper spiritual” skewed theology type. But what took place in that school yard was nothing short of the word “miraculous”.

As I ended my message and began praying for people who responded to the Good news of salvation in Christ. I suddenly went blind and deaf in both ears. In the photo below you can see a very strange hays around me, this was the time when I had depleted. When I came to my senses again, I was standing in the midst of this 1000+ people audience with an obvious language barrier, with the feeling that I had been standing there for hours. “Awkward.”

In the midst of my fading out I felt the presence of the Lord in that time and it felt like I was somewhere else. As I came too, I looked over to my translator and asked how long had I been gone, and she was baffled and thought I was having some sort of heat stroke. Because all she saw was me praying clearly then standing back up, she said that no time had passed at all.

The response that day was awesome too and many surrendered their lives to Jesus. I still do not know how to piece this story together, maybe it was just the heat that was getting to me, and maybe fog sometimes shows up in a photo. All I know is the Good news of Jesus was preached and the Holy Spirit did a great work in that school yard. I am reminded of Ephesians: 6 when I think about our time in that area.
Praying for 2014!

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