South Dakota “Barn Bash”

“As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.”
2 Thessalonians 3:1 NIV

I had the privilege a few weeks back to skate and speak for a school assembly in South Dakota as well as preach the Gospel of Jesus to around 300 people in a barn for a weekend event.
I love traveling and doing ministry on the weekends, but when every single weekend is booked you start to feel a little overwhelmed. Please pray for strength and wisdom and rest for Liz and I.
The rad part is, we are so blessed to have solid staff and friends that pour into Skatechurch when I’m away each week. I love this photo of some of our younger rippers winning a trophy I made in my spare time a few days ago. It’s good to be home during the week, I love Skatechurch and all that the Lord is doing there. Thanks for your financial support and prayers. I’m not traveling at all in November, I might speak at a few church’s locally but no more plane rides as of now. God is good 🙂

FYI: If you happen to have inquired about booking me in the last 3 weeks, please be patient and I will respond shortly so we can pray about me coming out to your outreach/event.


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