Lyndan, WA “A Day At The Fair”

I had a rad time in Lyndan, WA yesterday. It was an honor to partner with my friend Sean Taylor from Big Oak Ministries to go out and skate/ share the gospel of Jesus at their County Fair.

The first show in the afternoon was a battle, I went to share the Gospel and my fully charged mic battery died within the first few minutes. After we got that settled, someone unplugged our entire sound system when I was getting to the point and inviting people to pass from death to life in Christ Jesus. I then sent word to my social media friends and got people praying for the night time outreach. It went so much better and we could all tell the difference. Even though we battle with stuff that is not of flesh and blood (Ephesians 6). There is a very real battle for each and every soul to cross over that threshold to God’s grace,goodness and glory through Jesus.
Let us keep pressing on in sharing the most important news that anyone could ever hear.
The Gospel!
Thank you for praying friends.

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