Leaving Texas

Tonight was the last night of Freedom Experience and we had a record crowd! We had close to 5000 people show up at the arena on Wednesday, our final night in Texarkana, TX. The event was close to being shut down do to being filled beyond a safe capacity. I took center stage to a roaring crowd. I was feeling really sharp pain gouging at my foot every time I would land a trick, I knew God would shine through me even in struggle it was still a worship unto my Father in heaven even if it didn’t look pretty. God just wants us to be obedient to Him. I shared how we are not to walk by sight or feeling but by absolute faith in our Lord Jesus. God was glorified and through all the routines and stage stuff we saw a lot of people receive Jesus. We were so stoked to see how the churches in the community (around 20) worked and served side by side to put on this event together.
Thank you Texarkana and to all those who hosted us.
All for Jesus!

1 Comment

  1. brian britt

    this event was amazing! thanks for giving your talent to God. (my daughter was the one who broke her arm backstage) Peace.

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